Project information

  • Category: App Development
  • Language: Java, xml
  • Project date: March, 2022

Android App Development and Testing

The goal of this project was to plan, design, build, and test a simple Android app prototype using Android studio. The planning stages of this project included gathering all app requirements and building documentation for a development plan, a test plan, use cases, and a user manual.

Testing was emphasized throughout the development process and included unit, integration, and system-wide black box and white box testing. Black box was performed by way of the Category Partitioning method, where each module of the app was examined to identify independently testable features. These features were used to identify relevant inputs and derive test case specs. Finally, the test case specs were used to generate test cases.

White box testing was performed with the goal of 85% Modified Condition/Decision Coverage. All code was reviewed to identify combinations of conditions with the requirement that each condition independently affects the decision outcome.

As seen in the video, JUnit and Espresso testing frameworks were used to automate testing wherever possible.